Legal Notice
The content of this website has been prepared by Tower House Partners LLP on the basis of information sources and analysis believed to be reliable as at either the time such content was posted in the website or otherwise at the date disclosed, is under no obligation to update such information. Under no circumstances should any part of this website be construed as an offering or solicitation of any offer, and any investment in the products referred to on this website should only be made on the basis of the fund prospectus. Please note that past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance. The value of shares can go down as well as up and is not guaranteed. Changes in rates of exchange may also cause the value of shares to fluctuate. Any reference to individual investments should not be taken as a recommendation to buy or sell. Any performance reports should be read in conjunction with the full text and definitions of the relevant fund prospectus. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Tower House Partners LLP accepts no liability for any loss or damage which may arise from the access to, use of, or reliance on the content of or information contained on, this website.
Tower House Partners LLP is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority in the United Kingdom with firm reference number: 677923.
Stewardship Code
Tower House Partners LLP is a UK based limited liability partnership that manages Tower House Fund Limited. The firm pursues a long/short equity strategy. The Code is therefore relevant to some aspects of its investments in single equities. In compliance with the aims of the Code, we seek to enhance the quality of engagement with companies to help improve long-term returns for its clients, and generally support the aims and principles of the Code.
Regulatory Disclosure
Pillar 3 disclosures will be issued on an annual basis after the year end and published as soon as practical with the annual accounts.
We are permitted to omit required disclosures if we believe that the information is immaterial such that omission would be unlikely to change or influence the decision of a reader relying on that information for the purpose of making economic decisions about the firm. In addition, we may omit required disclosures where we believe that the information is regarded as proprietary or confidential. In our view, proprietary information is that which, if it were shared, would undermine our competitive position. Information is considered to be confidential where there are obligations binding us to confidentiality with our customers, suppliers and counterparties. We have omitted certain data on the grounds of materiality. Where we have chosen to omit information because it is proprietary or confidential we have explained the omission and provided our reason.
GDPR Privacy Notice
With effect from 25 May 2018, the EU General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679) (together with applicable implementing laws, “GDPR”) became applicable, to the extent relevant, to the processing of personal data by Tower House Partners LLP (“Tower House”) in the course of its businesses, and certain other persons. This notice sets out information relating to those activities.Please find the full Privacy Notice here
Shareholder Rights Directive
Tower House Partners LLP is in the process of assessing whether it is appropriate for it to develop a shareholder engagement policy in accordance with COBS 2.2B, and, if so, the form and scope of such a policy.